
Your toastmasters membership gives you access to a high quality professional program and instructions to help you achieve your goals.

Member fees

New member:

You can join your first meeting at no cost as a guest to try out the club before you commit. Email Cody Peller at

What Our Members Say

"I joined to further develop public speaking and story-telling skills to enhance my professional skills, while also learning how to apply those learnings within my career and the training of others.  I stay as I've found that by taking a more active role within the Toastmasters Club Executive team, those same skills are being further enhanced through each meeting."

Brent Pattison
SVP Operations Support

"I joined Toastmasters out of a life-long interest in public speaking, and a desire to broaden out my speaking topics and opportunities beyond those of my profession and work on different aspects.  Despite many years of  prior career speaking experience, my skills have grown considerably since joining 5 years ago, particularly in the areas of giving and receiving feedback, speech-writing and planning, speaking without visual aids or notes, engaging the audience, and others.  It has been particularly rewarding to offer helpful feedback to other members and watch how quickly they develop their communication skills."

Michael F Lepage
Atmospheric Scientist

"Originally, I joined Toastmasters to improve my public speaking skills for conference presentations. I quickly realized it offers so much more than that! Toastmasters is truly a supportive environment that encourages personal growth."

Natasha Janke
Post-Doc Researcher, UofG Department Of Population Medicine

"Joined in 2008 to improve presentation skills. Ended up leading District 86 into the distinguished district in 2016-17 with the theme of the year "Lead with Love". Toastmasters is more than a program to improve communication and leadership skills. It's a way to make the world a better place, one person at a time."

Vitaliy Fursov
IT Project Manager

"My first formal introduction to Toastmasters was through an Assistant Crown Attorney who, during my time in law school, offered his mentorship and encouragement as the student body formed a prospective club. His Ice Breaker speech, used as a demonstration, was impactful and engaged many of the skills Toastmasters emphasizes. Although ultimately the club did not become chartered, we each benefitted from the feedback of a Toastmaster who was a highly competent legal professional. This was one of the most meaningful experiences in my legal education and I recognize I have much more to learn."

Michael Von Keitz

"I initially joined Toastmasters to improve my public speaking and confidence for my PhD defence. Since then, I’ve found that Toastmasters helps with much more than speaking. Leadership, organization, learning to provide and receive feedback, as well as working with others are a few of the many benefits."

Angela Wilson
PhD Candidate, UofG Department of Animal Biosciences

"I joined Toastmasters to develop my personal and professional skills, most specifically improve my presentation, public speaking and interpersonal communication."

Peter Claessens
Healthcare Corporate Account Manager

"I’ve long been afraid of public speaking but have managed to overcome some of this fear due to professional roles and responsibilities.  With the launch of my new business, I need to step out from the shadows and into the limelight, to use my voice to create change and inspire new leadership techniques.  I’ve been so impressed with Guelph Public Speakers, the supportive community, the efficiently-run meetings, and the calibre of the people who are commanding the use of our language and inspiring us all to be better communicators.  Thank you for welcoming me into this great community - I know I will learn a lot from all of you!"

Raelynn Douglas

"I learned about toastmasters from my boss and mentor Tim Dowling and I thought it would be a great way to improve my confidence and leadership skills. I have had a fear of public speaking since having to present speeches in school, and while I still get very nervous, the support and encouragement this club provides has helped me probably more than I even realize. It has given me more confidence in my job and perhaps more importantly in my everyday life. I am so grateful for my GPS family."

Erynn Wiltzen
Client Support Manager, Axcys Finishing Inc.

"I always try to improve myself both personally and professionally, and Guelph Public Speakers Toastmasters is a place that helps me do exactly that in a supportive environment. If you’re reading this and are unsure about attending, don’t worry, we were all once in that position too!! Guests are always welcome, no experience required."

Stephanie Lam
Post Doctoral Researcher, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

"Initially I was apprehensive and nervous about joining ToastMasters. Guelph Public Speakers was really warm and welcoming, and I felt right at home from my first meeting." 

Rashmi Bachani,
Software Engineer

"I hope to develop better presentation and public speaking skills." 

Shane Kehoe
Human Resources and Digital Accessibility Specialist

"I joined Guelph Public Speakers because public speaking is a weakness of mine and is something I would like to improve upon." 

Spencer Silvestro

"I have always hated public speaking and whenever it was required at school, I would always be sitting in my seat and dreading the moment it was my turn. So I decided to join Guelph Public Speakers in order to learn how to give a good presentation and what makes a strong speaker." 

Oviya Sriananthan
Biomedical Science Student at the University of Guelph

"I joined Toastmasters to gain detailed feedback on my presentation skills and to gain experience providing feedback." 

Catherine Groves
Master of Science Candidate at the University of Guelph

"GPS is a delightful community of supportive speakers." 

Hal Bond
Chess Instructor and Leader