Guelph Public Speakers

     A Chapter of Toastmasters International

Guelph Public Speakers is a chapter of Toastmasters International. Toastmasters provides a supportive community where members prepare and deliver speeches, respond to impromptu questions, and give and receive constructive feedback. It is through this regular practice that members are empowered to meet personal and professional communication goals. 

We meet Mondays* 7:00-8:30pm

*No meetings on long weekend Holiday Mondays

Try a meeting as a guest
Email Cody Peller, our VP of Membership at

Special Events and Updates

Debate Night

We fiercely debated the resolution: White bread is preferable to whole grain bread. Each three-person debate team presented their arguments with facts and research, persuasive speech, and personal anecdotes.

After the dust settled, the affirmative team reigned victorious in support of white bread.

Jeopardy Night

The event featured 2 intense rounds of Jeopardy that challenged participants with a diverse range of topics and we engaged in Table Topics discussions that encouraged impromptu speaking and quick thinking.

The event provided an opportunity for members to not only test their knowledge but also enhance their ability to communicate effectively in various situations.

Our 2022 Contest Winners

Table Topics

3rd place - Vivek Koteeswaran
2nd place - Natasha Jenke
1st place - Hal Bond


3rd place - Josh Ward
2nd place - Vivek Koteeswaran
1st place - Hal Bond 

Ralph Smedley Donation

Guelph Public Speakers proudly donates to the Ralph C. Smedley Foundation! 

"We learn best in moments of enjoyment" - Ralph C. Smedley